Freitag, 1. Juni 2012

Closet Clothing

All dresses are from Closet Clothing

Closet was born in 1996 and is based and manufactured in London. Closets style are mostly feminine dresses with beautiful shapes. Their style is always following the actual trends and are dedicated to young, sophisticated women.

Closets clothing and especially the dresses are perfect for every occasion. Either for the office, a stunning casual wear or a night out. The quality of the material they use, their cuts, the colours and the prints are what makes Closet unique.

A passionate and experienced team is working close together to develop the perfect piece for every woman. The brand grew and expanded over the past three years so much, that they now can also count international stockists to their company.

Closet just launched on “Zalando”, which should be well known especially to all my German readers as a popular online clothing shop.

I really love their dresses and I am really thankful for having the chance to show you three of their best sellers.

The first dress is a hatch ribbed dress which is one of my favourte shapes. It is really feminine and bodyhugging. It looks really sexy and the material they using is stretch.

The second dress is a peplum dress and very chick and elegant especially in black. I would wear this dress to a business meeting or other occasions where I would like to look chic and classy.

The third one, the circle skirt dress is so beautiful not only because of its great material and wonderful summer neon colour. The shape is really playful and perfect for every hot summer day. It makes you stand out and look innocent at the same time.

I hope I could give you a little taste with my chosen pieces and inspire you to follow them on Facebook: Closet Facebook and to hunt for your own closet dress online.

You can order Closet dresses for example here:

Have a beautiful day 
and don´t forget to visit and like my Facebook Page STIMULATE IT


13 Kommentare:

  1. tolle kleider :)
    und sehr hübsch bist du! schöner blog!

  2. vielen dank lisa! sehr lieb von dir! wir könnten uns gegenseitig folgen wenn du magst ;)

  3. Hey, danke für dein Kommentar. Dein Blog sieht nett aus, auch tolle Bilder, aber ich interessiere nicht besonders für Mode... LG

    1. hi jacy...vielleicht lässt du dich ja ein bisschen zur mode inspirieren :))...

  4. Hallöchen, danke für deinen lieben Kommentar :-)
    Eigentlich mag ich 'gegenseitiges Verfolgen' nicht so, aber bei dir mach ich eine Ausnahme :-D Bist echt total hübsch! :-*

    1. haha ;)..danke dir eve...aber wir blogger müssen uns doch unterstützzzzzen :)...schönes wochenende

  5. hii..vielen dank!! ja gerneeeee ;)

  6. oh das pinke da oben :) aaaah :)
    sieht echt gut aus :)

  7. achjaa :D von welcher farbe ist der Lippenstift auf dem bild mit dem schwarzen kleid? :D ich such schon sooo ewig so eine farbe :D

  8. Folge dir nun...auch auf fb......
